Tag Archives: Chinese Medicine Autumn


A lovely client gave me this pumpkin from her garden the other day. I thought it was a perfect image for an Autumn post and a chance to share some Chinese Medicine tips for the change of season 🍁

Whilst many of us are still steadfastly holding on to the Summer feels (👋), there has been a definable shift in the seasons here in Melbourne over the past week. The morning air is crisper and the pink and orange sunrises even look Autumnal!

Thankfully there is still some warm weather to come. However, it is important in Chinese Medicine terms, to start changing up our diets in preparation for the cooler months ahead.

Chinese Medicine tips for Autumn:

In Chinese Medicine, Autumn is the season to focus on the Lungs and Large Intestine. With this in mind, some foods to help benefit these organs can be helpful during this season.

For many people, including myself – immunity has taken some battering over the past three years. At change of season, this can increase susceptibility to many health conditions. These may include respiratory issues, allergies, skin conditions and digestive problems.

Warming, nourishing foods can be beneficial at this time to build energy levels as they are easy on the digestive system, allowing better absorption of nutrients.

Seasonal produce such as root vegetables, pumpkin and pears all have a moistening effect which can counteract the dryness of Autumn. And if the random humidity has left you feeling sluggish or you have some residual phlegm – adding pungent foods in to help balance your digestive system and open the airways can be helpful. Look at fennel, kohlrabi, radicchio, bitter greens, peppermint and rosemary.

Miso Pumpkin

Of course, when it comes to immunity, soaking up some sunshine where possible and eating foods naturally high in zinc -such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, oats and oysters – are a good idea too ❤️

For a yummy and easy to prepare Miso Pumpkin dish, please click on this link to view the recipe on my site.

Now, I’m going to take this pumpkin and make a big batch of pumpkin soup for the freezer!

Elisabeth x

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The harvest season is suddenly here and some of us may be wondering where daylight savings and indeed Summer, has gone!

In Chinese Medicine, Autumn is a season of shedding what no longer serves us and taking the time to replenish our energy reserves.

It can be a struggle to let go. I for one, find it difficult to leave the idea of Summer behind. The longer days and the feeling of freedom that goes along with being outdoors has felt like such a treat.

As the weather starts to cool, there can be a sense of agitation. Our energy starts to move inward and it can be difficult to slow down and accept the change.

But by going with the flow of the seasons, we get to appreciate all the goodness that comes with Autumn. Beautiful seasonal produce, truly lovely days where the light is just golden and cooler nights which makes sleeping somewhat easier!

In Chinese Medicine, the Lung and Large intestine are the key organs of Autumn. Together they take in air and nutrients and expel what is no longer useful to us.

Imbalances in the body may start to show with the dryness of Autumn. These often occur in the areas that these two organs have the most influence.

With the Lungs – it is the respiratory system and the skin. Imbalances may show up as an exacerbation of asthma, eczema and other allergies. For the Large Intestine, digestive function may be impaired leading to constipation or frontal headaches and sinus issues.

Therefore it is helpful to re-evaluate your diet and routine at this time – Add some more cooked and warming foods to help your digestion along. Include plenty of root vegetables and other seasonal goodies. Drop back on the raw salads and cold foods.

And take some quiet reflective time for yourself where you can.

Wishing you a bountiful harvest season x