Photo by Mink Mingle on Unsplash
Spring has arrived! In Chinese Medicine this is the perfect time to shake off the hibernation of winter and bring movement and activity into focus.
As the environment around us changes, so we can experience different symptoms internally as well. It is important at the change of seasons to re-evaluate and take stock of our health practices and see what is working and what no longer serves us.
In Chinese Medicine Theory, the liver and the gallbladder are the organs of Spring.
Breathing exercises and stretches that open the diaphragm and stretch the sides of the body are beneficial for the liver and gallbladder. It is also the perfect opportunity to support these organs by embracing the seasonal foods available and move away from the heavier denser foods of the colder months. We can to start introduce lighter more fragrant foods into our diet, including dark leafy greens, sprouts, fragrant herbs and spices.
Dietary therapy forms an important part Chinese Medicine and depending on a person’s constitution and presenting health care complaint, other foods are often recommended during a consultation to optimise health.
Increased outdoor activities are easier as the weather starts to warm. However, the weather is still temperamental at this time, therefore, it is important to protect the neck and lower back from bracing winds and unexpected chills.
Our immunity can also be tested and Allergic Rhinitis, or Hay fever as it is often known, can be particularly common in Spring as the temperature fluctuates and pollen is madly flying around! The latest research supports the use of Acupuncture in helping alleviate the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis (Hayfever). (Please follow the links below to read studies).
So if you are feeling a little out of balance coming out of the colder months, booking a consultation can help set you back on track. A consultation includes Acupuncture and other traditional Chinese Medicine modalities such as cupping, moxibustion and gua sha where needed. I will also look at the lifestyle and dietary additions that you can make to help improve your health.
A course of Acupuncture treatment can help you feel re-balanced and refreshed and ready to enjoy the warmer months.
Happy Spring!
Links to allergic rhinitis research: