Here we are midway through Winter already.. and it’s been pretty chilly!
However, one thing I have found for myself, during this time of uncertainty around movement and travel, is just how good it feels to be outdoors, rugging up in beanies and scarves and going for walks – cold, rain, wind, whatever.. I’ll take it!
Winter in Chinese Medicine, is a time to focus on the Kidney Qi. In TCM theory, the Kidneys are often referred to as the ‘gate of life’ and are the source of our energy reserves and the foundation that we draw strength from.
With the colder weather comes a feeling of contraction as we naturally want to move inwards. And whilst it can be tempting at this time, to try and push ahead with all our regular routines around diet and exercise, going with this natural flow, can yield great benefits.
The Kidney energy benefits from quiet time, reflection and rest. Therefore, taking some time out for more gentle activities, offers an opportunity for repair and nourishment. This is also a good counterbalance for the outward expansion of the warmer months, providing a necessary reset.
Food wise, it’s the time to add more warming and slow cooked foods into your diet. Think root vegetables, legumes, soups and stews.
It’s important to find the things that ‘fill you up’ and that you enjoy. Whether that be nature walks, journal writing, reading, drawing, painting or making a yummy slow cooked meal for yourself or to share with others. These are all ways to boost the Kidney energy and also warm the heart, in the Wintertime.
- Here are a couple of Winter recipes from the recipe section of my website. To view full details – just click on the text over images xx