Photo by Ethan Weil on Unsplash
As we are in the midst of winter already, it is the perfect time to change up our routines a little to get the most benefit out of the season.
Winter is traditionally the time of hibernation and reflection. In Chinese Medicine, this is an invaluable time to conserve energy and build strength for the more active and expansive seasons of spring and summer.
Whilst Spring is but a few weeks away.. It is still the perfect time to enjoy warming and comforting foods such as soups and stews and to enjoy some quiet time where you can.
In Chinese Medicine terms, it is very important to look after our kidneys in winter. The kidneys are seen as the gate of life in Chinese Medicine and are directly related to our longevity.
We can help our kidneys in winter by eating nourishing food, staying warm and strengthening our bodies with focused breath work in practices such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga.
Warming and denser foods are perfect for winter. These include legumes (especially red kidney beans, adzuki beans and black beans), pumpkin, walnuts and sesame seeds and also root vegetables such as sweet potato, turnip beetroot and parsnip.
Too many cold raw foods are best avoided in winter, especially if you have a weak digestive system, poor circulation and are prone to colds and phlegm congestion.
Some gentle warming foods and spices can help with circulation and can be of benefit if you suffer from wintery aches and pains, these include ginger, turmeric, spring onions, bay leaf and leeks.
Stews can be a great way to make the most of all the seasonal vegetables available to us in the winter. I have put together a recipe for a veggie hotpot. It’s super easy to prepare, cooks in the oven.. and is quite yummy!