This transition between Summer and Autumn has been tumultuous to say the least! The switch of the seasons, particularly of Summer to Autumn, can be a challenging one for our health. In Chinese Medicine this change represents a movement from the outward expansion and heat of Summer to the inward reflection and conservation of energy in Autumn.
This transition coupled with the changeability of the weather, can leave us feeling off kilter – sluggish, congested and tired. Whilst the lungs and respiratory system are often impacted in Autumn with the cool and dry weather, this in-between time and recent humidity can impact the digestive system too. The external damp in the environment can affect us internally also, leading to bloating, diarrhea and other digestive upsets. Other symptoms of dampness can include lethargy, sinus and aching, swollen joints. Any chronic health complaints may also escalate at this change of season.
If you are feeling a little depleted, or out of balance, a Chinese Medicine consultation can help identify some of the underlying causes of the symptoms you are experiencing. A course of Acupuncture and some diet and lifestyle adjustments can help to re-balance and get you back on track. Food and lifestyle (Yang Sheng) are an integral part of Chinese medicine and part of consultation and treatment will involve guidance on changes that you can make, to help you adjust to the season ahead.
Stay tuned for an Autumn newsletter and some recipes coming soon.