Do you suffer from chronic pain?

Recent studies show the effectiveness of Acupuncture in relieving symptoms of chronic pain1. The research has also shown that Acupuncture’s positive effects can still be evident 12 months after treatment2.

Chronic pain can continue long after an injury has healed. It can be both physically and emotionally draining, and affect a person’s ability to work, sleep and socialise.

The recent focus on the opioid epidemic3and it’s far reaching consequences has highlighted the need to look to methods of alleviating pain, that don’t require long term use of those drugs.

Acupuncture is a holistic system of healing based on Chinese Medicine theory. It focuses on restoring balance and facilitating the body’s natural healing responses. Studies show it can aid the release of the body’s natural painkillers4 and anti-inflammatory agents5.

So, if you are experiencing chronic pain, consider Acupuncture.

During a consultation, we will discuss your symptoms and your health history. I will then work out a treatment plan to suit your needs.

To read the latest research, please click on the links in article or see below.


1.Yin, C., Buchheit, T. E., & Park, J. J. (2017). Acupuncture for chronic pain: an update and critical overview. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 1.

2.MacPherson, H., Vertosick, E. A., Foster, N. E., Lewith, G., Linde, K., Sherman, K. J., et al. (2016). The persistence of the effects of acupuncture after a course of treatment. Pain, 1–22.

3. Rudd RA, Seth P, David F, Scholl L. Increases in Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths — United States, 2010–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:1445–1452. DOI:

4. Harris, R. E., Zubieta, J.-K., Scott, D. J., Napadow, V., Gracely, R. H., & Clauw, D. J. (2009). Traditional Chinese acupuncture and placebo (sham) acupuncture are differentiated by their effects on μ-opioid receptors (MORs). NeuroImage, 47(3), 1077–1085.

5. Longhurst, J., Chee-Yee, S., & Li, P. (2017). Defining Acupuncture’s Place in Western Medicine. Scientia, 1–5.


It can be a challenging time to let go of the Summer. Embracing the prospect of cooler weather can take a little effort.

Fitting then, that Autumn is a time of letting go. Leaves falling, fresh produce being harvested. A time for gathering reserves.

The Autumnal Equinox is almost upon us, which we can consider the official start of Autumn. Therefore, time to clear and reset. An opportunity to release what is no longer needed and bring in some new and beneficial practices.

In Chinese Medicine, Autumn is the time of the lungs and large intestine. So this is also a good metaphor for these organs and their function.

If our health is out of balance, Autumn is a time when some lung and large intestine symptoms may become more pronounced. For example, respiratory issues such as sinus and hay-fever, can spike at this time. So too can digestive issues.

The dryness of the air, that is typical of this season, can bring about symptoms such as raspy coughs, dry nasal passages, itchy skin and constipation.

Any residual health concerns left over from the heat of summer can become nagging chronic issues, moving into the cooler months.

It is important to stay active and flexible in Autumn. Exercises that combine breath and meditative practices, such as Qi Gong and Yoga are useful at this time. So too, are making dietary changes to support the organs of Autumn.

Harvest season offers a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. Introducing slower cooking methods and slightly warmer foods are beneficial to build immunity.

Chinese Medicine, through diet and lifestyle recommendations, acupuncture and herbal support can help us move through the change of the seasons with more ease.

This is a time to celebrate the Autumn and all the goodness it has to offer.


Photo by Karlis Dambrans on Unsplash

This transition between Summer and Autumn has been tumultuous to say the least! The switch of the seasons, particularly of Summer to Autumn, can be a challenging one for our health. In Chinese Medicine this change represents a movement from the outward expansion and heat of Summer to the inward reflection and conservation of energy in Autumn.

This transition coupled with the changeability of the weather, can leave us feeling off kilter – sluggish, congested and tired. Whilst the lungs and respiratory system are often impacted in Autumn with the cool and dry weather, this in-between time and recent humidity can impact the digestive system too. The external damp in the environment can affect us internally also, leading to bloating, diarrhea and other digestive upsets. Other symptoms of dampness can include lethargy, sinus and aching, swollen joints. Any chronic health complaints may also escalate at this change of season.

If you are feeling a little depleted, or out of balance, a Chinese Medicine consultation can help identify some of the underlying causes of the symptoms you are experiencing. A course of Acupuncture and some diet and lifestyle adjustments can help to re-balance and get you back on track. Food and lifestyle (Yang Sheng) are an integral part of Chinese medicine and part of consultation and treatment will involve guidance on changes that you can make, to help you adjust to the season ahead.

Stay tuned for an Autumn newsletter and some recipes coming soon.



Recent research shows strong evidence supporting the use of Acupuncture for both chronic tension type headaches and migraine prophylaxis (prevention)

Chronic headaches can be both debilitating and disruptive and for many, can be a regular occurrence. For those who suffer from migraine attacks, it can greatly affect quality of life, with a reliance on medication, often unavoidable.

Studies show that a course of treatment can be effective for ‘frequent episodic’ and ‘chronic tension type’ headaches. Acupuncture can also play an important role in migraine prophylaxis alongside routine care, lessening the frequency of attacks. Research shows the positive effects of Acupuncture for migraine to be safe, long lasting and cost effective.

Acupuncture has been included in the National Institute for Healthcare and Excellence (NICE) Clinic Guidelines for both chronic tension type headaches and migraine prophylaxis since 2012 (CG 150: 1.3.9 & 1.3.20).

For thousands of years, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine, have been utilised to help alleviate symptoms and lessen the recurrence of both headaches and migraines. By looking at the whole person and not just the symptom, it can help to identify and address the underlying factors that may be contributing to these symptoms.

If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, a course of Acupuncture may be just what you need.

To view the research and guidelines cited in this article, please follow links below:



Summer is the time of outward expansion and movement. It’s the perfect time to get outdoors, exercise more and enjoy lighter, colorful and seasonal foods.

In Chinese Medicine, Summer corresponds to the heart energy and the fire element. Therefore, it is recommended that we do things to nourish the heart in Summer. This includes food choices, but also connecting with loved ones and reaching out to others.

Eating a wide variety of foods and a vast array of color is one of the wonderful things about Summer. The seasonal produce available at this time is often exactly suited to our body’s needs. It’s important to reassess our diet and routine at a change of season to make sure we are getting the optimal health benefits.

Foods that can be beneficial for the heart during Summer, include cooling foods such as oats, blueberries, raspberries, lettuce, celery, cucumber, rose-bud and chamomile tea.

Too many hot spicy foods and caffeine can increase incidences of rashes, digestive discomfort and palpitations.

If you have some health concerns left over from the cooler seasons, this can be a time when they start to resurface and perhaps exacerbate due to the heat. Digestive upset, sleep disturbances, headaches and skin breakouts are some of the symptoms that can occur when your system is out of balance.

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture treatment can be of benefit in addressing some of these imbalances. During a consultation, we go through your health history and any lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your current symptoms. We work out a treatment plan that is best for you and your needs. This includes Chinese Medicine dietary recommendations based on your symptoms, constitution and lifestyle.

Please contact clinics to make an appointment.

Wishing you a fun Summer season!




Photo by Mink Mingle on Unsplash

Spring has arrived! In Chinese Medicine this is the perfect time to shake off the hibernation of winter and bring movement and activity into focus.

As the environment around us changes, so we can experience different symptoms internally as well. It is important at the change of seasons to re-evaluate and take stock of our health practices and see what is working and what no longer serves us.

In Chinese Medicine Theory, the liver and the gallbladder are the organs of Spring.

Breathing exercises and stretches that open the diaphragm and stretch the sides of the body are beneficial for the liver and gallbladder. It is also the perfect opportunity to support these organs by embracing the seasonal foods available and move away from the heavier denser foods of the colder months. We can to start introduce lighter more fragrant foods into our diet, including dark leafy greens, sprouts, fragrant herbs and spices.

Dietary therapy forms an important part Chinese Medicine and depending on a person’s constitution and presenting health care complaint, other foods are often recommended during a consultation to optimise health.

Increased outdoor activities are easier as the weather starts to warm. However, the weather is still temperamental at this time, therefore, it is important to protect the neck and lower back from bracing winds and unexpected chills.

Our immunity can also be tested and Allergic Rhinitis, or Hay fever as it is often known, can be particularly common in Spring as the temperature fluctuates and pollen is madly flying around! The latest research supports the use of Acupuncture in helping alleviate the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis (Hayfever). (Please follow the links below to read studies).

So if you are feeling a little out of balance coming out of the colder months, booking a consultation can help set you back on track. A consultation includes Acupuncture and other traditional Chinese Medicine modalities such as cupping, moxibustion and gua sha where needed. I will also look at the lifestyle and dietary additions that you can make to help improve your health.

A course of Acupuncture treatment can help you feel re-balanced and refreshed and ready to enjoy the warmer months.

Happy Spring!


Links to allergic rhinitis research:


Today I wanted to talk about how Acupuncture may alleviate some of the symptoms associated Allergic Rhinitis, or as it is commonly known, Hay Fever.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Spring is an exciting time of the year. It is a time of growth and change. But for many it can mean seasonal allergies and sniffles!

Allergic Rhinitis, is an inflammation of the nasal passages. Sufferers may experience symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, ears and throat and post- nasal drip. Symptoms can be triggered by both allergens from trees, pollen and mould spores (Seasonal Rhinitis) and from dust mites, cockroaches and animal dander (Perennial or Chronic Rhinitis).

These symptoms can occur at any time, but are particularly common in Spring and Autumn, when the temperature fluctuates and the air becomes cool and dry.

It can be a constant battle to keep symptoms at bay.

Recent studies show strong supporting evidence for the use of Acupuncture in alleviating symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis, both seasonal and perennial types. Acupuncture has been shown to be both cost-effective and may reduce reliance on pharmacological options.

If you are experiencing some discomfort due to seasonal and chronic allergies, then a course of Acupuncture may help. During a consultation I will go through a health history with you and  together we will work out a treatment plan to help get you back on track.

To read the latest research on Allergic Rhinitis and Acupuncture, please follow links below.



Photo by Ethan Weil on Unsplash

As we are in the midst of winter already, it is the perfect time to change up our routines a little to get the most benefit out of the season.

Winter is traditionally the time of hibernation and reflection. In Chinese Medicine, this is an invaluable time to conserve energy and build strength for the more active and expansive seasons of spring and summer.

Whilst Spring is but a few weeks away.. It is still the perfect time to enjoy warming and comforting foods such as soups and stews and to enjoy some quiet time where you can.

In Chinese Medicine terms, it is very important to look after our kidneys in winter. The kidneys are seen as the gate of life in Chinese Medicine and are directly related to our longevity.

We can help our kidneys in winter by eating nourishing food, staying warm and strengthening our bodies with focused breath work in practices such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga.

Warming and denser foods are perfect for winter. These include legumes (especially red kidney beans, adzuki beans and black beans), pumpkin, walnuts and sesame seeds and also root vegetables such as sweet potato, turnip beetroot and parsnip.

Too many cold raw foods are best avoided in winter, especially if you have a weak digestive system, poor circulation and are prone to colds and phlegm congestion.

Some gentle warming foods and spices can help with circulation and can be of benefit if you suffer from wintery aches and pains, these include ginger, turmeric, spring onions, bay leaf and leeks.

Stews can be a great way to make the most of all the seasonal vegetables available to us in the winter. I have put together a recipe for a veggie hotpot. It’s super easy to prepare, cooks in the oven.. and is quite yummy!

Veggie and Barley Hotpot

