Summer is the time of outward expansion and movement. It’s the perfect time to get outdoors, exercise more and enjoy lighter, colorful and seasonal foods.
In Chinese Medicine, Summer corresponds to the heart energy and the fire element. Therefore, it is recommended that we do things to nourish the heart in Summer. This includes food choices, but also connecting with loved ones and reaching out to others.
Eating a wide variety of foods and a vast array of color is one of the wonderful things about Summer. The seasonal produce available at this time is often exactly suited to our body’s needs. It’s important to reassess our diet and routine at a change of season to make sure we are getting the optimal health benefits.
Foods that can be beneficial for the heart during Summer, include cooling foods such as oats, blueberries, raspberries, lettuce, celery, cucumber, rose-bud and chamomile tea.
Too many hot spicy foods and caffeine can increase incidences of rashes, digestive discomfort and palpitations.
If you have some health concerns left over from the cooler seasons, this can be a time when they start to resurface and perhaps exacerbate due to the heat. Digestive upset, sleep disturbances, headaches and skin breakouts are some of the symptoms that can occur when your system is out of balance.
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture treatment can be of benefit in addressing some of these imbalances. During a consultation, we go through your health history and any lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your current symptoms. We work out a treatment plan that is best for you and your needs. This includes Chinese Medicine dietary recommendations based on your symptoms, constitution and lifestyle.
Please contact clinics to make an appointment.
Wishing you a fun Summer season!